Biodiversity - Growing within planetary limits
We understand that the global climate and nature crises are interconnected. As we drive the renewable energy transition, we are equally committed to safeguarding the natural world and growing within the planet’s limits.
Overall picture and general status at Statkraft
Biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services are material aspects to Statkraft. Two of the key drivers for biodiversity loss are closely linked to Statkraft’s activities: climate change and land and sea use change. To mitigate climate change, there is a need for replacing fossil energy sources with renewable energy. This means utilising natural resources, and inevitably impacting the environment. Hydropower plants impact the natural flow of rivers, while wind and solar power plants require usage of land. The approach taken for each new project development needs to consider both aspects carefully and will be guided by national priorities and regulatory requirements.
Key targets
Additional key priorities and actions going forward
- Adopt a Statkraft guideline on biodiversity no net loss and net gain for new developments, and develop an ecosystem accountancy tool for new developments by the end of 2025
- Develop a Statkraft guideline on identifying, prioritising and managing biodiversity material sites by the end of 2025
- Map and assess biodiversity material sites in own operations in order to identify prioritised sites by the end of 2026
- Develop scope and approach to mapping and prioritising biodiversity material sites in our supply chain by 2026
- Identify key knowledge gaps related to biodiversity and our key technologies and define a research & development strategy and potential projects by the end of 2025
- Explore deforestation risk in Statkraft and define an approach and commitment to reduce risk of deforestation by 2026